Friday, May 18, 2012

UKnowMetal Podcast #006: Not Wing-er...Wing-It!

So, Rick 3 says, "instead on focusing this weeks podcast on just one artist...let's wing it"! Well, here it is folks. Tonight's episode is simply called: Wing-It (not to be confused with Wing-er as suggested in the title above). Come listen to us sayin' & playin' whatever the hell comes to mind. Later in the show, we touch on the 2nd anniversary of the death of Ronnie James Dio and play several of our personal favorites from this never forgotten icon!

Download: 2012-05-18-UKnowMetal-Podcast (88min)

Listen to a few tracks from both "Devil's Train" and "Vain" in The Captain's segment: What's Good This Week! Rick 3 and Ready Randy hand over Dumb Things Nikki Sixx Says to Wolfgang Van Halen this time around. Pay tribute to the greatest metal vocalist of all time...Ronnie James Dio!

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